COGR's 2022-2023 Year In Review
COGR interfaces between the research institutions and the federal funding agencies to provide information and advocacy in all areas of regulatory compliance relevant to academic researchers and policy makers. COGR informs its members quickly and reliably about all new requirements as well as significant changes in currently mandatory federal regulations and policies that apply to research. COGR's clear and compelling advocacy for its members is based on an in-depth understanding of the significance of developments at the federal level gained through the analysis of complex regulations.
COGR's expertise covers financial, administrative and legal areas. COGR's positions are developed with the guidance of a multi disciplinary working Board comprised of representatives from leading research institutions in the US. Membership involvement in the development of COGR's positions ensures that they address current concerns.
COGR holds membership meetings three times a year to discuss cutting edge policy issues. These meetings provide a valuable networking opportunity for higher education leaders in a variety of professional responsibilities. The Board meets three times per year, to provide guidance to the Washington Office staff. These frequent meetings assure that issues are addressed in a timely and effective manner.
COGR offers a range of support options. The professional staff in the Washington office is available to the membership via e-mail, phone calls and personal meetings. Educational materials on high impact issues, often involving emerging or controversial topics, are developed and distributed. Over fifty years of historical files are available to the membership, the past fifteen years in an electronic archive.
Services in the financial policy area include: policy developments that impact 2 CFR 200 "Uniform Guidance," information on negotiation of federal F&A rates; financial audits by Inspectors General; studies of cost outlays and cost recovery; analysis of income and expenditure streams.
Services in the pre- and post-award administration of federal awards include: understanding of and compliance with the provisions 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance; protection of human research participants; proper care of animals used in research; misconduct in science regulations; avoidance of personal conflicts of interest; privacy protection; accreditation and the balance between access and protection of research data.
Services in the intellectual property area include: recognition of the rights as well as responsibilities arising from the Bayh-Dole legislation and implementing regulations; defending fair contractual terms as the basis for sound university-industry agreements; review of proposed exceptional circumstances in the granting of invention rights or of licensing options to intellectual property; review of potential changes in US patent legislation.
Services in the area of security protection include: compliance with military and civilian export controls; biological safety compliance; and IT security provisions.
Although the Council does not represent individuals, it is interested in helping to solve problems that have general implications for research institutions. COGR encourages members to bring such problems to the attention of the staff for follow-up. If these questions suggest the need of in-depth studies, they may be addressed by a standing or ad hoc committee.